Client: Agan fresh vegetables
Project time: Starting in October 8, 2014, and completing in October 26, 2014.
Project profile
The client wanted part of the quick freezing room to carry out refrigeration functions, and the other half carries out quick freezing functions. For quick freezing processes, the temperature needs to decrease to -20℃ in a very short amount time in order to guarantee the freshness, nutrition and taste of the food after being frozen, then thawed.
Finally, Howcool designed the temperature of freezer to be -20℃, and the cold storage room is 0℃. The sea foods and vegetables quick freezing room has worked smoothly according to follow up inquiries.
Howcool is known to be a trustworthy cold storage company, with a firm commitment to providing cold storage warehouse solutions for global customers. Whether you are food manufacturer, pharmaceutical company, or restaurant that requires cold chain storage, we have the ability and expertise to help solve your cold storage challenges. At Howcool we make sure to understand your requirements, supply you with highly efficient refrigeration equipment and quick freezing systems, and help take care of your cold supply chain and temperature-controlled warehouse solutions. We invite you experience how we can help your business, and you will not be disappointed giving us this opportunity.